About the New Global Jun-Ai Website

Messages From
Jun-Ai Project
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Endorsement by Dr Darlynn Bowman PhD MscD CMHt

To Keiko & Shogo.

I wish to thank you for the very beautiful film JUN AI, that you have created and are promoting. In many ways it speaks to people of all nationalities with a dynamic concept of the "Oneness of Humanity". It is so interesting for me to see this important theme portrayed in such a beautiful film. Universal awareness and connection to ideas often has come from American films. In our memories we can go back to so many special moments that have personalized ideas of hope and humanity on film, and in music.
To see this in story form in film is definitely something I wish to promote. I have always had a strong connection to the Japanese people and have many Japanese clients, to see them developing this type of media is good.

As a professional I see this work as the beginning of something far greater, and developing the awareness of a New Age in a necessary ways. John Lennon said it so beautifully in his music, with the song IMAGINE. This goes straight to the heart and the mind follows gladly.

Dr Darlynn Bowman PhD MscD CMHt


Endorsement by Dr Gnobo A. Calypso

My work with Japanese has been extensive. While working with wonderful individuals I became involved with research and studies about Japanese so that I not only better understand them, but communicate with them during sessions.

During these studies I saw there was a lot of pain between China and Japan. I pondered often how could this chasm be bridged? I had deep of concerns that the wounds were too deep. Then I went to see “Jun-Ai” in Sedona. I was highly impressed and tears streamed down my face. What was so wonderful about this movie is that it creates that bridge with compassion and passion between China and Japan. The film is a courageous undertaking to heal a very deep wound. I feel it then becomes controversial because the pain of China and Japan is controversial. This then brings in the energy of controversy that must be handled.

Controversy then bleeds over into the individuals involved in the film. Though controversy itself allows for renewal and expansion, growth and transformation, we human beings sometimes handle controversy negativity and create this impact on individuals, when it is about the subject matter and not the individuals. The theme of controversy then should be embraces for transformation and not to diminish another person, such as I have seen happen with the individuals involved with “Jun-Ai.”

To be controversial is daring. My work is known as controversial and therefore it is daring. I also know that I have a strong 100 in my chart which says that I must create new beginnings for people through controversy and that I would stand alone in this pursuit. Keiko-san also has the 100 in her angstroms and this means you stands along to create new beginnings through controversy. This is the way of Spirit. Consequently she becomes engulfed in the controversy of people instead of subject and theme and this is unfair and unjust. What Keiko-san is doing is bold, audacious, compassionate and controversial, but in subject not in individual and we must see this.
Controversy has extended into the promotions of “Jun-Ai” and this is due to one person’s viewpoint working with controversy. Today, in Western Culture, marketing is the greatest tool anyone can use and it is a challenge within itself. Keiko-san and individuals involved with “Jun-Ai” must bring this controversial work forward to heal a deep wound and their efforts to use marketing---which is a strong Western tool and value---has backfired on their passion for healing such a tremendously deep scar. This is not intentional. The way that I see it is that Keiko-san is only asking for help from our world’s brothers and sisters to get this message out to heal this gaping wound. And through these efforts she has been persecuted due to the theme of controversy; however, these are not the intentions and energy of “Jun-Ai.” When I met Keiko-san in your home I did not, in any way see, an opportunist or capitalist. I met a highly evolved individual who is living her life mission through global healing. And I honor and respect Keiko-san for this.

I do not feel she deserves the symbolic throwing of rocks for her attempts to promote this film. I do believe that if people would put down those rocks and help move this controversial energy into larger arenas then Keiko-san can continue with her mission. This should not be obstructed by pettiness or one person’s motivation to diminish another; yet in this case the healing of a large wound between China and Japan is what is being stopped, diminished and placed into degradation. This cannot be. We must uplift ourselves from one person’s subjected opinion who does not know how to delicately handle controversy and open our hearts to help guide “Jun-Ai” throughout the world to help heal something that is extremely painful and tragic.
Keiko-san has the 100 in her angstroms and this means creating new beginnings through controversy, but this is for the best and highest good of all and is affected by the will of the creative force. This means what she must do comes from a much higher source then being persecuted by the misunderstandings of humankind. My heart, soul and authentic self is with this movie and Keiko-san at all times.


Gnobo A. Calypso

Endorsement by Eriko Yamatani, Member, House of Councilors Japan

“Jun-Ai” has also shown at the Kensei Kinenkan (Memorial Hall of Constitutional Politics), where it received enthusiastic applause from Japan’s Diet members and their staff.

I believe that this film, with its beautiful images and music, its depiction of love beyond borders, thoughts of home, hope, and the strength needed to live, can give courage to many.

I have great hope that “Jun-Ai” will be seen by as many people as possible.


24th Feb.2011
Eriko Yamatani,
Member, House of Councilors